Feb 22, 2011

Premarket View - 22.02.2011

Option reading index for today is (-) 1.68 rise from last trading figure of (-) 2.63 suggests reducing selling pressure and buying at bottom levels coming in. 

Ichimoku Std Param
Tenken 5388, Kijun 5489, Span A 5439, Span B 5679. Major Resistance at Span B 5679 flat. Support at Span A 5439 tested again and again. Though Chikou Span is trending up, all others are flat indicating range bound with high volatility. 
Ichimoku Short Param
Tenken 5506, Kijun 5388, Span A 5447, Span B 5388. Yesterday resisted at cloud span A for the day. Bullish cloud crossover from March 09, 2011. Resistance at 5520, 5600 & Support at 5447, 5439 & 5388



Neo said...

Dear Sir,

you have put last traded range pivot 5428 but it should be 5528 .

pls. correct me if i am wrong .


sriganeshh said...

hi neo,

u r right. made a mistake.
It should be 5528 instead of 5428.
table corrected.